is a authentic website designed for better understanding of the operating hours / sales hours of various stores, malls, banks, restaurants, fast food centre’s and more in USA.
We at collect genuine information regarding, operating hours or store timings on normal days and holidays of thousands of stores and malls. SalesHours also do gather details of all the holiday sales happening in the country and do provide shopping tips to get best out of their shopping at sale prices.
All the information provided here is up-to-date and accurate as of our knowledge and understanding. We try adding all the latest details of the sales timings to help readers know correct information so that they don’t get confused. Readers can also suggest corrections or changes if any to be made to the content of our site to keep it fresh and up-to-date. We check the authenticity of the details that readers give and try to update our site with all the latest information.
You can reach us by filling the contact form of and provide your valuable suggestions and tips for the betterment of this site.